Parents always tell their children not to rush life, time will do that itself. They were not wrong.
Time flies, that's one concept of life that we can not control. We can not pause or reverse time, therefore we must live in the present and make the best of it.
As college students, we are always focused mostly on the future and caught up on the past. A students most scared thought is failing and that they will regret not doing something or taking an opportunity to live their college experience to the fullest.
Here are 4 things you must try and do before you graduate college.
1. Travel Abroad:
If there is one thing that is constantly repeated to you in college, it is that you must take advantage of study abroad programs. Wouldn't you love to be doing homework or studying and look out of your window and see a completly different venue than what you are used too?
Every college that participates in study abroad has specific programs to different countries and can be related to your major. They offer winter, summer, fall and spring semester opportunities. Study abroad adds a unique and strong experience qualification to your resume and broadens your personal perception.
2. Live Off Campus:
Living off campus usually, depending on colleges, is allowed after your freshman or sophomore year. When you are living in the dorms, all of your living expenses are covered from your financial aid. You are also assigned to a Resident Assistant who make's sure you are following all of the rules and gets you more informed or involved on campus.
Moving off campus is a completly different experience. You pay rent, receive monthly bills, have to cook for yourself and basically be more of an independent adult. Living off campus may sound a bit more complicated than living on campus but there are so many perks!
It is usually cheaper, you get your own spacious room that you get to decorate yourself, no RA's telling you what to do and you get a sort of first hand experience of how it will be when you are really living in your first apartment.
3. Get An Internship:
Getting an internship is like traveling abroad, you add experience to your resume and you are more qualified in whatever field you wish to pursue. The average time in college when most students apply is their junior year, when they are more sure of what they are studying and focusing on career wise.
There are hundreds of opportunities for every major, paid and unpaid and some even offer college credit. The most important part of getting an internship is that if you do well with the company they could offer you a full time job after you graduate college!
4. Get Involved On Campus:
Join clubs of interest on campus for fun or for hands on experience for your major, go to student invited alumni events, go to extra credit lectures, shout in a rally or protest, play a sport and go on campus trips!
All of these are great ways to make new friends and make the best out of your college years. Sometimes it may seem like there is absolutely nothing going on, on campus yet if you look there is always something new and exciting to try. So get yourself out there!
Life is what you make it. Make sure you don't ever look back and wish you could have done something different. Take chances, make mistakes and learn from them and enjoy time while it is still present!