Thursday, December 10, 2015

Jane The Virgin

     With all the new series and different genre based movies being put on Netflix everyday, there can never be a dull day of not knowing what to do.

      Having watched the most popular series such as "Gossip Girl", "Pretty Little Liars" and "Vampire Diaries" there is always a common misconception that is interpreted from them.

     Majority of shows aimed at young adult and specifically women viewers give off the message that looks and body image are most important. There are not that many shows today that show meaningful purpose other than being entertaining.

     On the search for a "different" and inspiriting show to women, I ran into a fairly new series known as "Jane the Virgin."

     Jane the Virgin is about a young adult woman who promises to stay a virgin until she is married. One day she visits her gynecologist, where she is then mixed up by another patient and is accidentally inseminated. Jane then is seen as a modern day "Virgin Mary" because she is pregnant but has never had sex.

     This show continues to have it's fair share of drama, yet instead of it being for just entertainment, every episode has something that a young woman can take away from.

     Jane's body image is comforting to see on the show because she has an average body shape that women can actually relate too and after she gives birth to the baby in later episodes, she still loves her body and takes healthy steps to lose the baby weight.

    She is not sexualized or objectified in the show, she is a strong female that is goal driven and did not let the accidental insemination get in the way of her dreams.

    The best part of the show is that Jane is of latin ethnicity and there are many stereotypes set by society for this culture. Some examples of these stereotypes are that Spanish women always get pregnant at a young age, therefore not being able to be as successful and the household lacks a father figure. These are all points the show dismisses such as while Jane is pregnant she finishes getting her bachelors degree and as soon as the baby is born she is already enrolled in a masters program.

     This show is absolutely amazing, a must see and is a great message sender to young women about many issues that media shames women on.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

What Is Beauty To You?

Beauty is hard to define. In some cultures, beauty is defined in dance or music, in others beauty is defined in dress, and in others, intellect and success can be seen as beauty traits.

Watch the Audio Slideshow profile above on 20 year old Faith Fletcher as she describes how beauty is something much more versatile.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

4 Important Must Do's While You're In College

     Parents always tell their children not to rush life, time will do that itself. They were not wrong.

     Time flies, that's one concept of life that we can not control. We can not pause or reverse time, therefore we must live in the present and make the best of it.

     As college students, we are always focused mostly on the future and caught up on the past. A students most scared thought is failing and that they will regret not doing something or taking an opportunity to live their college experience to the fullest.

     Here are 4 things you must try and do before you graduate college.

1. Travel Abroad: 
     If there is one thing that is constantly repeated to you in college, it is that you must take advantage of study abroad programs. Wouldn't you love to be doing homework or studying and look out of your window and see a completly different venue than what you are used too? 

     Every college that participates in study abroad has specific programs to different countries and can be related to your major. They offer winter, summer, fall and spring semester opportunities. Study abroad adds a unique and strong experience qualification to your resume and broadens your personal perception.  

2. Live Off Campus:

     Living off campus usually, depending on colleges, is allowed after your freshman or sophomore year. When you are living in the dorms, all of your living expenses are covered from your financial aid. You are also assigned to a Resident Assistant who make's sure you are following all of the rules and gets you more informed or involved on campus. 

    Moving off campus is a completly different experience. You pay rent, receive monthly bills, have to cook for yourself and basically be more of an independent adult. Living off campus may sound a bit more complicated than living on campus but there are so many perks!

     It is usually cheaper, you get your own spacious room that you get to decorate yourself, no RA's telling you what to do and you get a sort of first hand experience of how it will be when you are really living in your first apartment. 

3. Get An Internship:

     Getting an internship is like traveling abroad, you add experience to your resume and you are more qualified in whatever field you wish to pursue. The average time in college when most students apply is their junior year, when they are more sure of what they are studying and focusing on career wise. 

     There are hundreds of opportunities for every major, paid and unpaid and some even offer college credit. The most important part of getting an internship is that if you do well with the company they could offer you a full time job after you graduate college!

4. Get Involved On Campus:

     Join clubs of interest on campus for fun or for hands on experience for your major, go to student invited alumni events, go to extra credit lectures, shout in a rally or protest, play a sport and go on campus trips! 

     All of these are great ways to make new friends and make the best out of your college years. Sometimes it may seem like there is absolutely nothing going on, on campus yet if you look there is always something new and exciting to try. So get yourself out there! 

     Life is what you make it. Make sure you don't ever look back and wish you could have done something different. Take chances, make mistakes and learn from them and enjoy time while it is still present!
     Here is a video from Buzz Feed on "15 Experiences Everyone Should Have In College."

Monday, November 9, 2015

Body Positivity Meets Self-Care

     A couple weeks ago their was a post about body image and the negative impacts that come with how media shapes the ideal perception of how we as women should view ourselves.

     This post is all about body positivity and self-care! 

     When you are confident about who you are and what you look like, this glowing beauty shines out of your whole entire body. Nobody or anything should tell you who to be or what to look like in order to fit their standards. 

     Of course in this day of age, it's hard to escape the tugging and pulling of everyday expectations saying, "look like this", "care about this", "try this look" or "this will make you feel better about yourself". 

     It is important to always remind yourself that you have to be the best for yourself and be comfortable in your own skin in whatever ways you want to do that for yourself. 

     Self-love and self-care are two very important things that you can invest in for yourself. Love yourself first and care about yourself more than you would anyone else. 

     You are the person that you critique the most in your entire life. On Tumblr I found an amazing list of things that involve self care within yourself. 

     Try these 15 steps to bring the best out of yourself and bring the positivity flowing throughout your veins! 
     If you are more confident with yourself, you will love every part of you, even the parts that society tells you to hate.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Take Back The Night

Take Back The Night is an extraordinary event that is fighting against sexual and domestic violence. Listen into my audio story to hear more about the event and students impact from it! 

Monday, October 26, 2015

Candy Corn, Costumes and Pumpkins...O MY

     October is a very fun-filled month. It brings in fall, changing leaves, pumpkin spice everything and most importantly Halloween.
      Halloween is a very exciting holiday. It is filled with fun, friends, family and of course candy. It is also the one day of the year when you can be anyone in the world, other than yourself.

     In college, Halloween is especially more exciting because you are surrounding by all of your friends and the atmosphere is just full of excitement

     Some more reasons why Halloween is more exciting at college:

  • It's more than just one day, it's celebrated over the whole weekend = More than just one costume choice.
  • You could do group costumes with your friends, or a couple costume with your cutie.
  • There are countless Halloween themed festivities and parties on and off campus.
  • Candy
  • Decorating your hall or house with other residents or roommates.

     This exciting and spooky holiday is this weekend and nothing is more frustrating than trying to pick a costume, especially last minute. What's better than being an influential woman for Halloween.

     Here are some DIY (Do it yourself) costume ideas:

  • Amelia Earhart
  • Frida Kahlo
  • Rosie the Riveter
  • Cleopatra
  • Hilary Clinton
  • Beyonce
  • Katniss Everdeen
  • Joan of Arc 
  • Lisa Simpson
  • Daenerys Targaryen
  • Sonia Sotomayor
  • Peggy Olson
  • Kimmy Schmidt
     Some of these costumes can be made with small things from Walmart, or your nearest super store.
    A great tip for picking your costume, is not to stress over it and have fun choosing it!



Thursday, October 22, 2015

Major Decision

     We have all been asked the question, "What are you going to major in?", at least once or one hundred times throughout our college years. Not having the answer to this important question can sometimes be a very confidence burning thought.

     Thinking about your major brings you to essentially think about your whole future and its success.

     Some questions that probably go through your mind:

"Will this major make me money in the future?"
"What are the career opportunities for this major?"
"Will I be happy the rest of my life in a job that relates to my major?"
"Why do I specifically want this major?"
"Will I be academically good in this major?"

     When coming into college there might be a sense of pressure to instantly declare what you think you have interest in, yet it takes more than just a liking. A lot of people declare their first semester of college. On the other hand, you have approximately 2 years before you have to declare, which gives you time to review the options and decide.

     The number on thing to keep in mind while reviewing major choices is that you shouldn't just seek a job that is going to pay well. Its great to be getting paid well but you never want to just settle for money and not enjoy what your doing.

     When trying to pick your major, you have to make sure you are passionate and love what you will be studying. Homework and classes won't feel draining because you will be doing something that you are pursuing. Eventually in the future when you score the job of your dreams in the field you studied and loved, a job won't feel like a job.

     Sometimes parents will get in the way of what you truly want to study. If it alters in any way, the image THEY have of YOUR success, they will do anything to convince you that you will be wasting your time.

    Its always great to take parental advice but at this point in your life, you have to think about yourself. Your parents aren't the ones who will be working the job for you, and as stated before, you don't ever want to be in a workplace where you wake up hating your job everyday.

Here are some myths about picking your major:

"Most students entering college have already decided their academic majors"

"Once a student decides on an academic major, he/she will stick to it."

"A career/personality assessment or career professional can tell you what to major in and what to do with your life."

"A major will limit career options."

     Pick a major where you see your future self thinking, "I love what I do!"

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

A Sticky Note A Day, Keeps The Doctor Away

     Staying focused on your health in college is very hard to do when there are so many distractions around. Health doesn't necessarily just pertain to physical health.

     These are the top two health topics to stay focused on:
  • Mental Health
  • Physical Health & Food and Nutrition

     Food and Nutrition:

     On a college budget, the least of your concerns is what nutritional food you should buy from the super market. Let's be honest a 6 pack of Mac and Cheese is cheaper than some vegetables, therefore it is more convenient to eat foods that aren't good for you. 
     A great app to budget your grocery shopping is "Wunderlist." Usually when you make a list before hand, you avoid buying stuff out of your context. 

    When making that list make sure to include:
  •      Produce
  •      Protein 
  •      Healthy Drinks has a great story on specifically the best things to buy for each of these categories.

      In relation to this, physical health is also important. Eating good and keeping in tune with just how your body feels on the outside can make a huge difference on the way you are motivated and confident.

     Try to go to the gym three to five times a week for about one hour to an hour and a half. A great routine to follow is:

30-45 minute cardio
30-45 minute routine switch focus workout (Abs Day, Arms Day, Leg Day)

It is important to take those break days in between or every other day, depending on level of fitness.

     Mental Health:

     Stress, anxiety, insomnia and depression are prone to come with the course load of work in college. Mental health is one of the most important aspects to stay on track of because it is the basis of how you stay on top of everything else.

5 Ways to Stay Mentally Happy :)

1. MOTIVATE YOURSELF: Find ways to motivate yourself every single day. Change your wallpaper on your phone and computer to say anything that brings your spirits up. Write sticky notes or buy artwork with positive messages and hang them all over your room. As soon as you wake up every morning you will see one and instantly feel motivated.

2. FIND TIME FOR YOURSELF: Nothing is more soothing and stress relieving than staying in and getting some alone time. It is very important to find that comfortable space with yourself: read a book, binge watch Netflix, sleep or anything else you need to do in order to just wake up the next day and feel rejuvenated.

3. STAY ORGANIZED: Keeping organized can make you more time efficient. Plan out times to do specific homework, keep tabs on your to do list, make time for friends and socializing. Writing everything down allows you to always make sure you know what to do, even if you aren't able to do it.

4. KEEP IN TOUCH WITH LOVED ONES: Nobody is more motivating in keeping you on your stuff than your parents or caregivers. They want whats best for you and are your number one supporters. When you are feeling down and completly unmotivated, try giving someone you love a call.

5. GO TO THE GYM: Going to the gym gives you a sense of control of yourself even if it is only for a few hours. You can clear your mind, and feel like everything you are doing at that moment is to completly better yourself.

Healthy Mind + Healthy Body = Amazing Heart, Confidence and Attitude!


Monday, October 5, 2015


     Coming into college, I had no idea what feminism was. I knew of the word, but nothing of its meaning or importance.

     Feminism is perfectly defined here by Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
     In actual definition terms, according to, feminism "aims to interrogate gender inequalities and to effect change in areas where gender and sexuality politics create power imbalances...feminist political activists campaign in areas such as reproductive rights, domestic violence, gay marriage, and workplace issues such as family medical leave, equal pay, and sexual harassment and discrimination."

     The video below shows exactly why we need feminism.

     It is very important to have women studies as a general requirement class for college. It teaches women and especially men the everyday challenges women face and have faced for hundreds of years.

     Some misconceptions people have of being a feminist:

  • "All feminist are lesbians and bra-burning radicals who hate men."
  • "Women can't be feminine and be a feminist at the same time."
  • "Feminism is only for middle-class white women."
  • "Feminism only liberates women at the expense of men"
     All of these myths that come with being feminist, have absolutely nothing to do with being feminist. 

  • "Feminist not only believe in equality between men and women, but also in equality between every gender, class, race, and sexual orientation."
  • "Feminism is fundamentally about giving women choices, not about finding new ways to limit their self-expression."
  • "Feminism doesn't just liberate women; it also liberates men by breaking down the standards which society has put in place for both women and men."
     Recently in women feminist and empowerment news, Amber Rose released a video called the "Walk of No Shame."

    Rose released this video in light of "a completely backwards representation of society's reaction to women openly having sexual relations; it demonstrates the big deal that people make out of women having sex," stated by

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall

     "What a woman observes in the mirror is what she uses as a measure of her worth as a human being" (Lerner, Karabenick & Stuart, 1973).

     Everyday we are scrutinized for our bodies as women. We have to meet these standards of the ideal body type and if we do not meet them we are policed and deemed as less of a "perfect" woman in society's eyes. We strive to achieve a body type that only about 5% of women in the world naturally have.

     We pinpoint images of women from social media, magazines and advertisements and seek to them as inspiration to go to the gym, eat healthier, yet in all reality the women in those photos are photoshopped. This leaves women with a goal that is not realistic to achieve.

      This is a widespread problem we especially see in young women and girls. states that:

     "58% of college-aged girls feel pressured to be a certain weight." and "95% of people with eating disorders are between the ages of 12 and 25."

     Focusing and putting such a priority status on your body image can take a toll on you while you are in college. If you feel as though you don't meet the impossible standards of todays "dream" body type, you find yourself less confident and motivated. 

     In my own experience I would find myself more focused on finding time to go to the gym, then study or do homework. This took a toll on my grades and made me feel less about myself. 

     In future posts I will speak on ways to overcome this block and prioritize to maintain a healthy schedule. 

    In the meantime, this is Gigi Hadid:

     One of today's most popular and uprising models. She recently was receiving negative comments on her posts about her not fitting up to the model standards and being too over weight or curvy. If society deems her supermodel body as "being too over weight" than just imagine how it society makes women with average bodies feel. Gigi Hadid defended herself on her body image in a very uplifting and inspiring matter. 

     The message she put out in response defiantly moved me. It showed me that even woman who are seen as the "ideal women" face the same body negativity as almost all young women and girls do.

     This shows that society and media is the problem behind the lack of self-esteem in women because instead of reflecting perceptions of the female body, it shapes it.

     Be sure to check out's "11 Facts About Body Image." These 11 facts are very helpful and important because they pin point what body image is and the statistics of how it effects us as women.

What is Doyenne?

Welcome to Doyenne 101!
     I got my inspiration for the name of my blog from's "13 Awesome Words For Women You Need To Start Using Right Now."

     "A doyenne is the feminine version of a badass leader who possesses the trifecta for power: seniority, authority and rank,"  stated in

     I think that doyenne is a perfect word because we as women should all aim to be a "badass leader" who strives for success and wants to be at the top ranks. 

     My blog posts weekly will focus on the significance of becoming a doyenne by finding a balance between priorities in college such as work, school, homework, having a social life, friends, relationships and health and fitness.

     I will contribute and comment to stories that empower and inspire women and connect it back to how it could benefit you while balancing everything else college throws at you.

     It's no joke that your college years come and go before your own eyes. These 4 or more years, depending on how much time you actually continue your studies, shape you into who you are or who you want to be. You truly find yourself.

     Hopefully my blog will help make finding yourself in college a success while installing confidence and staying healthy mentally and physically.

      My goal is essentially to create a blog that will help young women in college, just like me, be the most successful they can be by providing tips, posts, links, videos and any other helpful information sites to help ease what they call the "most important 4 years of your life."